Saskatchewan Links
- Patterson Garden Arboretum was established in 1966 and contains one of the most diverse collections of trees, shrubs, and vines in the Prairie Provinces.
- The Shand Greenhouse, known for its seedling program, uses recycled waste heat from SaskPower's Shand Power Station to heat the Greenhouse in the winter.
- Urban Forestry - City of Saskatoon
- Tree Protection Bylaw - City of Saskatoon
- Regina: Urban Forestry - City of Regina
- Rare Trees of Saskatoon and the Northern Prairies is an excellent Facebook page to join to learn about species and join the conversation about trees.
- Forest Saskatchewan is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate to address common and/or joint interests and concerns facing the Forest Industry resident in the province.
- Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area – Saskatoon's best kept secret.
Other Tree-Related Resources
- A New Tree Ethic: What If Trees Really Mattered? by Tim Beatley, Charlottesville, 17 July 2023 published on The Nature of Cities.
- Introduction to Tree-Pruning video from the University of Wisconsin's Master Gardener program.
- The Canadian Urban Forest Network is a pan-Canadian action group which speaks for Canada's urban forests.
- TREES Winnipeg (formerly known as The Coalition to Save the Elms) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the stewardship of the elm and other trees, forests and the urban environment. Of particular interest is their section under "Urgent Forest Threats."
- Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease: STOPDED Alberta - a non-profit organization whose mandate is to preserve and protect Alberta's elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease (DED).
- Dutch Elm Disease in North Dakota: A New Look (publication)
- Government of Alberta Forestry Site
- Global Forest Watch - A dynamic online forest monitoring and alert system that empowers people everywhere to better manage forests.
- Tree Canada is the Secretariat for the Canadian Urban Forest Network, Strategy and Conference.
- Outdoor Learning: The Importance of Trees When we step out of the classroom and get into the great outdoors, we can experience some of the benefits of trees in person
- Trees and Music - a Naxos Blog - a Breeze through Trees
- Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Forest Therapy for good health
Interesting, Informative and Entertaining Books About Trees
- The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate by German forester Peter Wohlleben Review by Maria Popova
- Urban Forests, a Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape by Jill Jonnes, 2016, Penguin Books, New York. Highly recommended.
- The Overstory by Richard Powers. A novel that follows about 8 people of very different backgrounds inextricably drawn to each other as if by fate to fight for the survival of trees. Although focussed on the redwoods and other giants of the west coast, it relates very much to urban forests as well.